Servant of God Cardinal August Hlond

Servant of God Cardinal August Hlond (1881-1948) was the founder of the Society of Christ Fathers for Poles Living Abroad, a great son of the Salesian family, the first bishop of the diocese in Silesia, the metropolitan of Gniezno, Poznań and Warsaw, the Primate of Poland (since 1926), a true statesman and a solicitous shepherd of the Polish nation. He was one of the most prominent figures in the history of the Polish Catholic Church.


Co-founder of the Society of Christ Fathers

Servant of God Father  Ignacy Posadzy

Servant of God Father Ignacy Posadzy (1898-1984) was the co-founder of the Society of Christ Fathers. He"s perceived as the Father of the Congregation,  who successfully shaped spiritual attitude of the consecutive generations of the Society"s members for the first half-century of the Congregation"s existence.  He passed away in the odor of sanctity on 17 January 1984 in the monastic house in Puszczykowo.

16 lipca 2015r. 1 8432 Drukuj

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